The Caretakers House

The Caretaker’s House

Caretakers House View
Hey not bad!
The Caretaker’s House is a two bedroom 1 bath bungalow located at the entrance to Finca Monte Galan. There is a small storage shed or bodega nearby. An in-ground pool is currently being used to raise tilapia. Tilapia are fresh water fish and found on the menu at many Costa Rican restaurants.

Tilapia Pool
The Manager’s House

Manager’s House

The Manager’s House

Cuarto de Invitados

Cuarto de Invitados

La Cocina
The kitchen cabinetry was designed and constructed by a very talented local carpenter by the name of Ronald Sanchez. Ronald lives in the neighboring village of Sur and spends his free time with his wife and two beautiful daughters. He is also a beekeeper and makes wonderfully sweet honey!

Cenar Afuera

La Terrraza Uno

Terraza de Hamacas
No farm is complete without farm animals and we are off to a good start with gallinas, vacas, patos, pavos, and of course perros who serve their purpose well to keep los peligroso serpientes away.

El Repeledor de Serpientes

The corral serves the various animals well but will need to grow over time.

El Corral
Well ok we admit our heard is small, but we have to start somewhere! The breed is called “Brahman” and is prized for its ability to produce milk and also for its quality of beef.

Don’t touch her!
The Experimental Garden
Following are a few examples of the myriad fruits and vegetables we are growing on the farm. Fun!!

Plantas de Pina


Arbol de Papaya

Fruta de Cacao

Flores de Cafe

Fruita de Cafe

Muchas Chilis

Arbol de Naranja


